Ankit Malik
Hi! Ankit Malik
I am a
I'm a Web Developer and here is my portfolio website. Here you'll learn about my journey as a web developer.
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skills skills skills skills skills

Wood Interior Design

It is a static Website of Wood Interior Design. It is my college mini project of web developement
skills skills skills

Tic Tac Toe

It is a simple Tic Tac Toe Game
skills skills skills skills skills skills

News WebApp

It is a newsweb app. It provide the latest top news of the world.
skills skills skills


It is a Figma UX/UI of Music player interface. It just lika spotify and gaana.
skills skills skills skills skills skills skills

Gaadi Engine Tel

It is a Car Service page when you tackle
your car problem in unknown area. then
this app will help you contact with mechanic.
skills skills

Gaadi Engine Tel UX/UI

It is a Car Service page when you tackle with
your car problem in unknown area. then this app will help
you contact with mechanic.

Me and
MyTech Stack

Hi Everyone My name is Ankit Malik I am a Full Stack Web Developer I have been working for last 3 years and Currently I am working with Budding Statup in USA and full Time Freelancer. Currently I am working on NextJs and Making Beautiful UI-UX are my fey features.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rem perferendis nostrum deleniti voluptates optio dignissimos laudantium! Sit quis id sunt!

Contact Me

Questions,thoughts,or just want to say hello?